Sunday, January 5, 2014

K: Masset Haida - English


kuugaa = cook
k as in "pack"

word beginnings include:
ka, kaa, ki, kii, ku, kuu, kwa, kwaa, kyaa, kye, kyuu

small sound

- high
- loud and fast speech, laughter
- high pitched laughter
- short thick 1-dimensional extended object; short and fat person; short article of clothing
- disappointment in or disapproval of someone’s behavior
Gii kaaganggang. It is floating high out of the water.
’La Ga kaayaanggan. She (or he) jumped up.
’La kwah kaak’ahldagan. He bowed deeply.
’La kaadagagan. She talked loud and fast.
’La k’ah kaasdagan. She gave a loud stylized laugh.
Huu ’la kaats’a.andaalgang. He (short and fat) is walking along there.
Huu hlk’idgee ’laangaa kaayuwaang. Her short dress is hanging there.

automobile; car; truck
  • kaa.agee
  • kaa.agaa

seaweed basket; clam basket
  • kaadiigee
  • kaadiigaay

- be riddled with holes
Nee ’un ’laangaa kaadiigaagang. Her roof is full of holes.

- play cards
Hawaan tl’a kaajda k’aw.aangang. They are still sitting playing cards.

  • kaalagee
  • kaalagaa
Sitka alder tree or wood
  • ka’aj
  • ka.aj
  • ka.ajaa

- very fat adult, fat body part
Tl’an.uwaang ’la ka kab.idadaalgang. She is walking along making her big breasts shake.
’La ’i kabjuugang. He is real fat.
’La k’uluu ’i kabdalaang. Her legs are real fat.
be possessed by an evil spirit.

be possessed by evil spirits

mouse; rat; muskrat; evil spirit
  • kaganaay
  • kaganee
’La kagaanaa ’laasda ’ist’i.idaan. His evil spirits left him.

kagann gawjaawaa
(n) bunchberry (fruit of cornus canadensis)

kagann skammee
(n) mousetrap

kagann xanggang
look like an evil spirit

- large 2 or 3-dimensional extended object, large amount; tall, fat adult
- loud noise; loud voice
  • kalgaa
  • kal.adaa
Gandlee kwah kalyaanggang. The river is big.
’La tawk’a kal.aawgan. He made a big garden.
Gint’as kaljuu ’la gya.andaang. He is using a big blanket.
K’aad kaljuu ’la tiyaayaan. He killed a big deer.
Ginn Ga kalgusdlagan. Something fell and made a big noise.

- short thick 1-dimensional extended object
- collection of ten or more small (two inch or smaller) pieces of anything (1-2-3-dimensional)
- kill
  • kamgaa
  • kam.adaa
’La k’uluu ’wii kam.aawgang. She has short fat legs.
Kwaay ’i kamjuu. A short piece of rope (not string).
’La ’i kamjuugang. She (a small girl only) is short, fat and pretty.
Gada kamsalanggang. It has random patches of white.

  • kambasgee
  • kambasgaa

kam kamm
yarrow (achillea millefolium)

kam kammgaa
be in fine crumbs

- (v) crumble (from something)
Kígsgee t’iij ’waasda kang.aawgan. Part of the cake crumbled from it.

- left over scrap; crumb
Gilgee kang.awee. The cracker’s crumbs.
Ts’uwee kang.awee. The cedar’s scraps.
Kugiinee kang.awee. The paper’s scraps.
Giyaangwee ts’a kang.awee kuljuugang. The cloth’s scraps are all over.

- get frayed on edges
Kigwee k’un kanhlaaw.iidang. The edge of the basket is starting to get frayed.

have started to fray

- high
St’aang kunangGahl ’la t’a kayjuudaalgang. He is walking on tiptoe.

- promiscuous, crazy girl or woman; good-for-nothing or crazy young girl
- nipple of percussion cap firearm;
- woman's genitals, vulva

- stick with drying food items strung on it
- pointed nose
  • kyaagaa
  • kyaa.adaa
Gants’áad kisdang. Two fish-drying sticks with fish on them.
Gants’áadee diiga ’la kisdlagan. He handed me the fish-drying stick with fish on it.
Tsii.n kisdang saa Hl ’isdagan. I put two sticks full of salmon up in the smokehouse.
’La kun ’wii kijuugang. He has a pointed nose.

- extend along in location, direction; stretch in location, direction
- stretch out
- throw spear or harpoon at (in direction); spear something; harpoon something
- end of 1-dimensional extended object
- with end of 1-dimensional extended object
- paddling, rowing
- sewing, crocheting
- tattoo
  • ki
Gii ’la kid.iidan. He broke it by poking it with a stick.
Stlaang gisaawee ’la ki k’undaawgan. She crotched an edge around the towel.
’La skwaayGaa k’ tl’a kiidan. They tattooed a dogfish on his back.
’Waasda ki tsiyuwaang. It (coat, bag, etc.) is hanging from a nail, branch.
K’adga ’la kid’adsagan. He threw a spear toward the water.
’La kid.aats’agan. He swallowed a spoonful or forkful.
Gwaayee ’la ki k’iijúuhldagan. He paddled around the island.
Hahlgwii tl’a ki tl’ajuugang. People on a group of canoes are paddling this way.
XuudGii ’la kidaan. He speared a seal.
K’ust’aan ’la kiidan. He speared a crab.
Gwaayeegu xuud ’la kidaan. He speared a seal on the island.
Gu k’yuu kidgiidang. A road goes (stretches out) here.
Kunjuweet’alga k’yuwee kidsgyaan.gang. The trail goes (stretches out) across the point.
’Aadlan.uu k’yuwee kidtl’a.aang. The road comes out of the woods here.

- stretch something
- stretch on a board to dry flat
Taan k’alGa ’laa kidagan. He stretched a bearskin (on a frame, to dry).
K’úuee k’al ’la kidagan. He stretched the skin of the marten.

- be a high cliff
GwaayeeGaduusii kidandaa.aagang. The shore of the island is a high cliff.
’Aadlan tlagee kidandaa.aagang. The place here is a high cliff.

have been stretched

- have been speared; have been harpooned
- have been speared in something; have been harpoon in something
Tsii.n kidgaa diiga ’la giidagan. He gave me a speared salmon.

- (v) prop up in leaning position with sticks, poles
- lean up (something) against a horizontally placed pole
Nee ’angaa ’la kidgadaagan. He propped up his house with poles.
K’awwee ’la kidgad Gujuugan. He leaned up all the boards against a horizontal pole.

(v) extend in direction or location; go, come in direction or location
  • kidgiidaang
Diideed k’yuu kidgiidaang. A trail goes along above the beach.

kid ’inwa
- land, arrive on land
Tl’a kid ’inwaayaan. They landed.

- miss with spear (throwing in direction)
’Laa ’la kidsgaayaan. He missed him with a spear.

ki gusdla
unlock with a key

ki gusdlaa.u
key; winder on clock

ki gusdlaa.u hlkajuu

ki gusuwaa
have been unlocked with a key

  • kígsgee

- with voice; speaking
- say to be
  • kil
’La kihl daaGangiidan. He spoiled it by saying something.
’La kihlgadangaang. He is a liar.
’Laa.aa guusuweeGii ’la kilsdagan. He got tired of talking to him.
’Laa ’la kil kuunanggan. He said he is crazy.
’Laa ’la kil gúugagan. He said he is lazy.
Gan ’agang ’la kil ’unsiidan. He said he knows it.
’Agang ’la kil tla.awhlaa Gaayaagang. He says he knows how to fix it.

- according to what someone said, according to that someone
’La kihl.aa ’yaangalaang. According to him, it is easy.

- from what someone said (source of information)
’Laa kihlaasda Gan ’la ’unsiidang. He knows it from what she said.

- disagreeing with what someone said
Dii kihl’ayygu ’la suu.iidan. He started to disagree with what I said.

- in someone’s language
Dii kihlgahl suu. Speak my language.

- following what someone said, according to what that someone said.

- (v) talk about someone with respect/honor (only in negative sentences)
Gam ’laaga nang kihlgad.angk’uhl ’la nawaang. He is living with someone who speaks of him disrespectfully.

- (v) lie (about someone/something) (saying something)
Gyaans ’la kihlgadánggang. He is lying as usual.

be a liar

- (n) lying
’Aajii kihlgadangeeGaduu ’la gut’agwaang Gaayaagan. He was good at thinking up this lying.

- (v) show in speech; reveal in speech (only in negative sentences)
Gam kiilang ’la kihlgang.anggang. He talks now as though he didn’t say that.

- as someone had said; in accordance with what someone said
’Laa kihlgingaan tl’a ’laada Gujaawaan. They all agreed with it according to what he had said.

- (v) give advice (to someone); advise (someone); talk soberly (to someone); make a speech (to someone)
Geedluu gam nan sGwaansanghan kihlgula’aangaan. Then no one said anything.

- speech (formal locution)
’La kihlgulayee tl’a ’uns’iida. They like his speech.

- from someone (= source of information)
’Laa kihlguusd.uu gam ’aajii gya.ahlangeeda tl’a k’iisgad.anggaangaan. As a result of what he said, they did not forget this story.
’Laa kihlguusda Gan dii ’unsadgalgan. I learned about it from her.

kihl Gaad’ii
taking a turn speaking amongst each other
  • kil Gaad’ii
Gud kil Gaad’ii tl’a saawaan. They took turns speaking.

because of what someone said

reporting what someone said

ki hlGast’aa.u
- foreshaft of harpoon (only for salmon, no forshaft is used for seal harpoons)
Kit’uweeGay ki hlGast’aa.u ’la gi hlGats’aayaan. He poked the foreshaft into the (salmon) harpoon (handle).

- in readiness for what someone says
’Laa kihlk’yúu ’la Giidang. He is waiting for what she says.

kihl kiidhlaang
- loudly and angrily
- say at top of voice
  • kihlt’algahlaang
Kihl kiidhlaang ’laa.aa ’la guusuugan. He was speaking loudly and angrily to him.
Kihl kiidhlaang ’laaga ’la kyaagaanggan. He called her at the top of his voice.

kihl kiigangaada
- repeat and laugh at (what so and so said)
Hin ’la saawaan ’la kihl k’iigangaada. He repeated this (quote) that she said and laughed at it.

kihl sGagáng
(v) lead (song)

- (v) regretfully or unwillingly say something about someone/something
Tlagu Joe ’isdaayaanGahl ’la kihlst’agan. He regretfully said something about how Joe did it.

out of distress (hurt, anger, etc.) over what someone said

- silently; without talking or opening mouth
Kihlwaalhl ’is. Don’t say anything.

- have a voice; be able to speak
- make a vocal sound
- talk about plight; talk about something/someone
  • kiila
Gam ’la kiilaa.anggang. He is mute.
Kiilageega ’la gwaawaang. He doesn’t want to speak.
Gahlaang ’la kiilaagaan. He spoke of his plight.
Dii.ahlgu ’la kiilaagaa? Did she say anything about me?
’La.ahl ’la kiilagee ’laagan. He spoke well of him.

kiilaa gudaang
- talk about something/someone without hope, talk about the plight of someone/something
  • kiilaa gud’aang
Gahlaang nang kiilaa gudaang.uu kats’agan. Someone who said they had nothing to eat came in.

pus (from infection on skin)

be infected; be pussy

kelp greenling, possibly other greenling species
  • kijee

ki k’iidlaan.u
mast step (block in bottom of canoe or boat to hold the heel of the mast)

- language; voice; speech; utterance
’Ahlsgee xáadee kilGan ’la ’unsiidang. He knows those people’s language.
Ginn kil gudangaas ’la gudaangaan. He heard the voice of something (lit. the audible voice of something).
Kil ’laa ’la suudagan. He said something nice.
Kil ’laaga ’la gyuujuugan. She was waiting to hear something nice.
Kil ’laa. Hello. Welcome.

Tsimshian (people)
  • kil.aads
  • kiláad
  • kiláads
Kil.aad(s) gu kwaan.gang. There are many Tshimshian people there.

be Tsimshian
  • kiláadaa
  • killdaa

the Tsimshians
  • killdee
  • kiláadee
Killdee ’waadluwaan gu ’iijan. All the Tsimshians were there.

kil dlaawdáaga
- be willing; be agreeable
’La kil dlaawdáagaang. He is willing.
’Adáahl ’la kil dlaawdáagagan. He was willing yesterday.

- without speaking, silently
KilgaGaadaanhl ’is. Be quiet! (ie Shut up).

- talk about someone/something endlessly
’ ’ang ’la kilgangaanggan. He talked about her so much.

kil gaw
- (v) not advise fully, fail to advise fully
Dii ’la kil gawgan. He didn’t give me enough advice.

kil gaw’iihl
- (v) stop, put an end to (ie a bad habit)
Ginn ’la niihls ’la kil gaw’ilgan. He stopped his drinking.

- (v) propose (marriage)
’Laa ’la kílgudánggan. He proposed to her.

- someone to claim to own (subject) along with someone else; ownership of be in dispute
’Aajii tlagee ’iitl’.ii kil.iyaagang. Some people are claiming that they own this land, not us.

- claim to own part of along with so and so.
Kiidee dii.ii ’la kil.iyaadagan. He claimed part of the log along with me (I found it on his stretch of beach).

(v) say bad things about behind subject’s back

- say the someone is too high class (esteem)
Ginggaang ’laa ga kil sang.iidan. He said that he is too high class.

kil sang’iits’agaa
- kick, make a fuss (speaking to someone)
’Agang ’la kil sang’iits’agaagang. He is raising a fuss.

- hand over to someone, turn over to someone
- be a chief
Gyaang taanayee diigwii ’la kilsdlagan. She told me to take over her fish-smoking.
Nang kilsdlaas. Raven.


- call "kilsdlee" or sir
’Laa ’la kilsdleedagan. He call him sir.

- have been handed over to someone
- be a chief
Gwiihl ’agang kilsdliyaa kujuudaa. Offer your precious self for that.
’Aahl ’agang kilsdliyaa kujuudaa. Make yourself a chief now!

(v) set a price (someone) on (something)
- charge (someone) a price (for something)
- claim to jointly own with something
Diiga ’la kilsgiid ’awyaagan. He charged me too much for it.
Buudgee dii.ii ’la kilsgadaan. He claimed to jointly own the boat with me.

price have been set on (for something); someone have been charged a price for

- stretch (embellish) the truth, facts, extent of something/topic/subject
Dii kil.aa ’la kilsiidaan. She embellished what I said.
Gya.ahlangeeGaa ’la kilsiidan. He stretched the truth of the story.

kil sk’aawala
- talk as though will do right away tlaGiihldayee ’la kil sk’aawalagan. She talked as though she will finish it right away.

kil sk’aawaláaga
habitually say will do things right away

kil t’aluuga
- bawl out
Jaa.ang ’la kil t’aluugagan. He bawled out his wife.
Tlaalang ’la kil t’aluugagan. She bawled out her husband.

- talking
Jaa.ang ’la kiluu dlanggalanggan. He spoke endearingly to his wife.
’ tl’a kiluu hlGayagan. They asked him to go with him.

kiluu dlanggalang
- show affection for verbally; talk to endearingly
Jaa.ang ’la kiluu dlanggalanggan. He spoke endearingly to his wife.

kiluu sk’iwganang
- curse; call for misfortune to befall
- say that will befall someone
’Laa ’la kiluu sk’iwgananggan. He cursed him.
Ginn daGangaa ’laagwii ’la kiluu sk’iwganants’agan. He said that bad luck would befall him.

- ask someone for help (for self)
’Laaga ’la kiluwaagan. He asked for help.

kil xanggangaang
- whimper as speak; whine around a building
’Ang ’la kil xanggangaang. She was whimpering as she spoke.
Jáaguusdagee ’ang kil xanggangaang. The west wind is whining around the house.

kil xat’aang
- bum a bit of for
Dii ’la ga kil xat’aanggan. He bummed a bit of food for me.

ask all sorts of questions all the time

- go, come (in direction) to report (to someone) on Something/someone, to inform someone about something or someone.
- make a musical note
Hlk’yaan k’ust’aan kindagan. A frog croaked.
Duujee kindagan. The cat meowed.
Xaay kindagan. The dog howled.
"m-m" hin ’la kingaangaan. "m-m," it whined (a mosquito).
SGaa.n Gaa kindaayaan. A spirit called in it (whistle).
Dii.aa ’la kindaayaan. He left coming to me to report.

- news
- start to sing; start to call
  • kingee
King ’laa Hl gudanggan. I heard the good news.
Kingee Hl gudanggan. I heard the news.
Sk’ayúu kinggang. Robins are singing now.
Yaahl dii.aa kinggan. A raven called at me.

- be reported
- be well known
- be reported that (subject) about someone
St’ii kingaagang. Sickness is reported as on its way.
Joe ’aadlan kingaagang. Joe is well known here.
Nang kueengaas k’ut’aalaa.ang kingaagan. It was reported that the Queen died.
K’adsda ’laa kingaagalgan. News of him (lit. of his doings) went from the mainland.

kingaa k’agusdluwa
be reported all over

- click tongue (at something/someone) t’adgu ’la kingaandagan. He clicked his tongue at me.

king guda
bad news come
  • king gud’a
’Laaga king gud’atl’a.agan. He received bad news on the phone/radio.

kíng gudáng
- hear news or report about, hear news that
’La k’ut’aalaan t’alang kíng gudánggan. We heard the news that he had died.

- advise (in direction) (to someone); ask (in direction) to someone; give request for someone to somebody; inform (someone) (indirection) (that somebody); give message for someone (that something)
’Laagwii.uu dii ’la kíngguganggan. He sent word to him via me.

have been asked to look after someone

- consider to be of too high a rank to marry (someone).
Tl’a ’waadluuwaanGaa gujaangaang ’la kingguts’ganggan. She was against the marriage of her daughter to anyone.

kíng gya.ahlánda
- tattle
Bill k’uhldaayaanGansda ’la kíng gya.ahlándagan. She tattled about the fact that Bill stole it.

kíng gya.ahlandáaga
be a tattletale

- offer (to someone for something)
Jaasang ’la kingwaa.ang kasa.aang ’waadluu hat’an ’la suu’waagan. Then he said from inside that he was going to offer his sister (in marriage).

kingwaang gudang
- (v) ask about someone/something; ask a question(s)
Jiingaa ’la kingwaang gudanggan. He asked questions for a long time.
’Laaga ’la kingwaang gudanggan. He asked about her.

- boast about; praise
- say is very bad
- tattle about
- say that someone has more than enough of
Sk’aw.aan ’la jaa.mdaayaan ’angaa ’la kinsalanggan. She was boasting about her making salmonberry jam.
’La st’igee.uu ’laa ’la kinsalanggan. He said she is very sick.
’La kil ’la kinsalang.ats’agan. He came in to tattle about what she said.
Sguusadee kingaan ’la kinsalanggan. He said that he has more than enough potatoes.
NaanangGan ’la kinsalanggan. He said that his grandmother has more than enough spruce roots.
Gyaa kinsalanga. Be a tattle-tale.

- be infected; be pussy
Dii stla k’ang.ii kisaang. My finger is pussy now.

(n) poker (for fireplace)

(v) poke something (fire, stove only)

- add up with pencil and paper
Daalee gud’ii ’aa ’la kisdlaang. She is adding up her money.

- set snare for something
Skawga ’la kisgayaayaan. He set a snare for a grouse.


ki sk’áa’amaa
sign with an ’x’ (document using a writing instrument, ie pencil, pen, etc.)

ki skaagasdlaa.u
(n) compasses

ki sk’ast’aa.u
gouge (chisel)

ki skaygasdliyee
- (n) (drawing of a) circle
Ki skaygasdliyee daangaa ’laagang. Your circle is nice.

- (v) pull stick(s) out of, pull off stick (dried fish)
"Kaatl’a.aa, hawiidhl tsiinee kist’ii," hin ’la saawaan. "Kaatl’a.aa, hurry and pull the sticks out of the salmon," he said.

chisel (see also jast’aa.u)

ki t’amgad’iihl
- (v) draw a fine line or faint line on
K’awwee ’la ki t’amgad’ilgan. He drew a fine line on the board.

ki tl’agáng
- (v) buck with wind, current (in direction)
T’alang ki tl’agáng jiingaagan. We were bucking the current for a long time.

ki tl’asdlahliyee
- cuff; hem
K’un k’yee ki tl’asdlihliyee. Pant cuff.

  • kit’u
’Waagyaan gam ’waagu ’laangaa kit’uwee keenggaa’aangaan. His (seal) harpoon was nowhere to be seen there.

ki xasdliyaa
- diverge (road, trails)
K’yuwee gudsda ki xasdiyaagang. The trails diverge.

- be light (not heavy) kiyaa? Is it light for you?
Tlii dang kiyaas! You are so light!

- with buttocks
- fish tail
  • kwaa
Ga ’laa kwaat’i.iidan. She started to push it with her bum.

- firewood
Guus.uu ’la kugaadaang? What is he using for firewood?

kuga gilgee
(n) bracket fungus (various species)

kuga Galaanggaa
rotten wood


- point of land
- bundle of dried herring roe on kelp or of lupine roots; a stick (not bundle) of dried or drying salmon fillets.
- meet at ends; collide head on
- with end, nose; with bow
- front end of one-dimensional extended entity oriented along a path
Guud sk’aangwee kun guhlagan. The end of the stick slipped on it, just grazed it.
Gigwee gudsda kunst’agan. The handle came apart.
Tsii.n kundaa.lgans tl’a kinggan. The saw salmon swimming together (in a school)
Sgyaal kun hlgits’agaalaan. A large quantity of cockles washed up.
"Kun.aaw kunsdangt’algahan.uu Hl tlaga kinggang," hin.uu ’la saawaan. "I can see beyond two points," he said.
K’aaw ’laaga ’la kunsdlagan. She gave her a bundle of dried herring roe.
K’il kun. Sandspit.
Nee ’waadluuwaan gu kun.gang. All the houses have their ends nearly touching each other.

- have (non-flat) nose
Gam ’la kunaa.anggang. He has no nose (his nose is flat).

- smell like something
- before
Dii kun.aa tsii.n ’la tlang Galanggang. It smells to me like she is cooking salmon.
Kun.aa.isan ’la st’igan. He was sick before too.
Kun.aahan ’laa Hl sk’aydan.gyaan haw.isan ’laa Hl sk’adsaang. I recognized him before and I will recognize him again.

- say that is to blame (for something/someone), blame (for something/someone)
Gaagaang ’laa Hl kunaadagan. I blamed him for what happened to me.

stinging nettle root
  • kun.anee

- before something, before someone; ahead of something, ahead of someone.
Dii kunaasda ’laa ga taagan. He ate before me.
Yaalee ’laa kunaasda kaat’ajaan. Raven walked across ahead of him.
Dang tii.ang kasa.aasd kunaasdahl xangang dlan.ang. Wash your face before you go to bed.
Dii kunahsd.uu ’la xáadaagang. He is way older than me.

kunaasda ’laanaa
someone’s older different sex sibling

older siblings
  • kunnsdagee
Dii kunaasdagee, dii kunnsdagee. My siblings born before me.

- through nose
T’aa.nggwaa ’laanaa kunagaang sduu.ida.anggaangaan. The one at the stern made (a certain exclamation) every little while.

on end
- over (as a result of) something/someone; about something/someone
Nee ’la kaahlii hihldagan. He got mad at me over the house.

- (n) vertical edge of a rectangular prism (such as a box, a house); three dimensional corner of a geometric solid (such as a cube, trapezoid, etc. and the real-world objects these model), two-dimensional corner of a rectangular plane (and the objects this models, such as a sheet of paper, garden), corner of mouth
Kún.gad gamjúulangaagang. The corners (two or three-dimensional) are rounded.

- be rectangular; be square (things not necessarily rectangular like a cake, or board, but not a house)

- (v) make square
’La xi kún.gadaagan. He sawed it square.

- in the inside corner; at the outside corner
Kun.gadáa ’agang ’la sGaa.lgaadaang. He is hiding in the corner.

- to the inside corner
Gu hlgaang’wee kún.gad’aa ’la da hlGats’agalgan. She shoved the chair into the corner.

the corner of (something)

- to the outside corner (of something); to the inside corner (of something)
Nee kún.gad’ii ’la kaagan. He walked to the corner of the house.
- at the end of something; at the front of something; at the corner of something
Tl’aa ’la gyaa.anggang. He is standing at the head of the line of people.
K’yuwee kun.iid ginnga ’la di.inggwaangang. He is looking around for something at the end of the road.

- into the bow
Kun.gusda k’ajuugang. It is blowing at the bow.

kun Gasaada
beat to something, get to something before someone else does.

kun hlGidga
straight into the bow

even at the start (of something), even at the beginning (of something)

  • kunaasii
’Iitl’ kuniisii saa Gidaan. Our ancestors were high class.

be the instigator of/for someone/something

crowd, swarm, school move

- be to blame (for something/someone), be responsible (for something/someone); trouble occur over
Ya.ats’ee kunngaagang. The knife is to blame.

from the dock, point

- at the point, headland, wharf, dock
Kunngwaa ’la k’aawaan. He sat down at the point.
Kunngwaasii ’la sgindaal Gujuugan. He chopped down all the ones (trees) at the point.

- toward the point from a point across the inlet from speaker’s location
Kunngwaayaa ’la tluu kaat’iijang. He is going to the point from somewhere across the inlet.

to the point, dock

- (v) feel bad physically
Hing.aan.uu Hl kunsalanggang. I feel terrible.

kun sdagaa
(n) ring worn in the nose (often made of copper)

- (v) come to an end; end (road, salmon run)
Tsiinee kunsdlagan. The run of salmon came to an end.
’Aa.uu k’yuwee kunsdlaang. The road ends here.
Waajgwaa k’yuwee ki kunsdlaang. The road comes to an end over there.

- (v) end; stop; go, come as far as location or measure (road being built, a story, food being passed around)
- (fish) arrive (at river)
  • kunk’adaang
’Waagyaan kunsgadaanii. It (water being passed around from one to another) went all the way around.
’Lanngeegu k’yuwee kunk’adaanggang. Both the roads end at the town.
Sk’agee kunsgiidang. The dog salmon have arrived (at the river).

- end (in location); take as far as location
Gam hawaan Hl xay kunsgad.anggang. I haven’t brought the row of weaving to an end yet (ie I haven’t reached where I started yet).

kun sk’usdliyaa
- someone have become well-off but no longer even look at those who used to help them.
’La xang kun sk’usdliyaagang. She is well off now and no longer even looks at those who used to help her.

- (v) start (at location, on locaton) (a road, path, a season, etc)
’Aa.uu k’yuwee kunst’aang. The road starts here.
Sanggee kun t’amst’aang. Winter is starting early.

- lead off; start
- for the first time; at the beginning
Tluwee ’la sgi kunst’agan. He began to make the canoe (adzing it).
Dajang ’la tla kunst’agan. She began to weave a hat.
Sang’aay diiga ’la kunst’ayeesdahan.uu ’la sGats’agan. Ever since he started helping me this morning, he has been cranky.

- the beginning
Tadee kunst’ayee.uu ’iijang. It’s the beginning of the winter/year.
Kunst’ayee.uu ’iijang. It’s the beginning.

- at the beginning; for the first time
’Aa.uu kunst’iyeegu naanggee ’iijang. This is the first part of the game/drama.

  • kunts’u.ul

- not be level
Nee ’laangaa kunwayaagang. His house is not level; His house has one side lower than the other.

kun xiilaas
a certain part of the large box type of fish trap.

kun yaa
- right in front of something
’La kunyaa ginn kagann xiigaangaan. Something was making a racket right in front of the house.

- stab; stabbing with a pointed implement tla kus.aawgan. Everyone stabbed at him.

habitually fart

kusad dluwii
- (v) bring upon oneself inevitable results, stupid or bad
’Ang ’la kusad dluwaayaan. He did something stupid and got what he deserved as a result.

- (n) land otter scent gland
Sdlagu kusiidaa k’yaagaas ’la ki k’agudaan. He had punctured hanging land otter scent glands.

- cook
’La kuugaa Gaayaagang. She knows how to cook; She is a good cook.

- end, tip or point of one-dimensional extended object
- nose; snout; muzzle of dog, bear, etc.; beak of puffin
  • kun
St’aang kunangGahl ’la kaagang. She is walking on tip toe.
Ts’ang kun. Front teeth.
Kit’u kun. Butt end of spear
Tl’an.u kun. Nipple, teat
Kwáanaa kun. Puffin beak.
Kunang.ii ’la stlat’agunggan. He was picking his nose.

- be money
- cost a quarter (25 cents)
  • kwaadgaa ’la kwaadagaadaang. She is using spruce roots for money.

- (v) rely on someone; count on someone; have confidence in someone
- depend on someone (for something)
  • kwáagiid
Gahlaang ’la kwáagiidang. He is confident. He is self-assured.
’La tla ’lageeGahl ’laagwii Hl kwáagiidang. I am relying on him for (his) fixing it.

- someone be reliable
- someone be relied on (for something); something have been entrusted to someone
K’aawGahl ’laagwii kwaagadaaganggang. He is always relied on for herring roe.

kwáag tsagaa
(n) skirt

- be let down (by someone/something); be disappointed (with/in someone)
’La.ahl ’la kwaahlagan. She was disappointed in him (he did not live up to her expectations or dreams); she was let down by him (she was depending on him for something and he did not come through).
Tl’a ’waadluwaan ’la tla kwaahlaang. He is disappointing everyone with what he is doing (his behaviour).

- think low of someone/something; despise someone/something.
’La.ahl dii kwaangaang. I don’t think much of him.

be despised sk’ad’ada
- tell what to say in reply
Dii ’la sk’ad’adagan. He told me how to reply.

kwaay gudga hlGat’as

- have a noticeable behind (buttocks)
Gam ’la kwaayaa.anggang. She has no behind.

- flowing
- surface to breathe
- rising to surface; breaching
K’yuu diigwii kwah sk’asdagan. A clam squirted on me.
’La kwah sduugangaandaalaan. It (whale) blew out its breath with a loud whistling noise.
Kunee kwah.aganggan. The whale repeatedly rose to the surface and breathed.

- (v) fin (salmon only)
Tsii.n kwaan kwahgadánggang. Lots of salmon are finning (rising to the surface so that dorsal fins stick out).

kwah sduugangaang
- exhale with a loud whistling noise
’La kwah sduugangaandaalaan. It went along blowing its breath with a loud whistling noise.

kwah siisda
- blow out breath; exhale (ie whale)
Kunee kwah siisda.atl’a.agan. The whale came up to exhale.

kwah siisdaa
cetacean blowhole

kwah skáalaguntl’a.a
- (v) bubbles rise (plural)
Huu kwah skáalaguntl’a.aang. Bubbles are rising there.

kwah skáawiitl’a.a
- (v) bubble rise

- fin (break surface with back) here and there (salmon only)
Tsiinee kwahst’aang. The salmon are finning here and there.

- come to surface to breathe; roll up to the surface and down again
Huu sGaa.n kwahtl’a.agan. A killerwhale came to the surface to breathe there. A killerwhale rolled up and down there.

- (v) make flow; pour
Xaw ’waasda ga k’u kwahyaanggang. Something (ie a machine) is grinding the juice from there (fruit, etc).

- have been made to flow
Xaw ’waasda ga k’u kwahyangaagang. The juice has been ground from it.

- (n) current (water)
’Aajii kwahyangeeGay xáadas daalwiisiik’yaahl ... Every time people travel with this current ...

- outside
Kyaagee.isan ’la ’isda.idaan. He began to do it (give trays to) the ones outside too.

- wooden door hanging inside the doorway through the house front pole of a traditional house
- red meat; flesh of birds, mammals, including humans (venison, beef, pork, mutton, etc.)
- be named or called (in this way, like someone, etc.) (after someone) (in that someone’s language)
- mean this, like someone, etc. (in that someone’s language)
- name; term
’Waadluu xang k’aalangaasii ’laa tl’a sk’ada.aalaan. They told him to learn the painting on the door.
K’aad Deer meat (venison).
Gam dii kya.a.anggang. I have no name.
Diigingaan ’la kya.aang. He is named like me, He has the same name as me.
’Waa k’idáa ku tl’a k’wiigaangaan. Once in a while they used to mention the name of the sea otter (in prayers for hunting).

name or call (this way, like someone, etc) (after someone) (in that someone’s language).

- to outside; out
Kyaaga ’la kaaguhlaa.aagan. He went outside (the house).

- call out (to someone) (in direction)
Taanaa nagee GugaalaanGansda ’la kyaagaanggan. He called out about the smokehouse’s catching fire.

kyaagaang k’ang.ada
call out screaming to someone

kyaagaang sGasdla
- call out at top of voice
Diiga ’la kyaagaang sGasdlagan. He called to me at the top of his voice.

the one(s) outside

- here and there outside
Kyaaguud ’la naanggwaanggang. He is playing here and there outside.

- outside Masset inlet
- from outside Masset inlet
- at location outside of; at location out of; from location outside of
Kyaaguusda ’la xawgang. He is fishing outside the inlet.
Kyaaguusda ’la sdiihltl’a.agan. He returned from outside Masset Inlet.
K’yuwee kyaaguusda ’laak’yúu ’la Giidang. He is waiting for him outside the door.
Gudee kyaaguusda ’iijang. It is out of the box.

the area outside of something/someplace; the outside surface if something
  • kyaaguusii
Ku hlk’at’ajee kyaaguusii tsaanaaga. The area outside the fence is muddy.

at a location outside of something

- to location right outside door; outward; to location right outside inlet/channel
Nang Ga.aas kyaagwii tluwa Gadaagan. The baby crawled outside the door.
Kyaagwii ’la xudid’waagan. He was blown out of the inlet.

- go to setup camp in location
Gu t’alang kyaambda ’in.gan. We went there to camp.

- be a camp in location
’Aadlan kyaambdiyaagang. There is a camp here.

- pacific cod fish
- tin can
  • kyaa.n.gee

- asking something (about something/someone)
"Danggu k’ud?" hin ’la kyaananggan. "Are you hungry?" he asked.
Tlagu Gaa tl’a ’la kyaananggan. She asked about how they did it.
Diisda Joe saldayeega ’la kyaananggan. Joe asked it he could borrow it from me.

fail to get an answer when asking something (about someone/something)

- can, preserve by canning
Xagu ’la kyaa.ndagan. She canned some halibut.

habitually can things
  • kyaa.ndaya

canning or preserving kettle

have been canned

be preserved in cans, be canned

kyaan ki Gasdlaawee
can opener

  • kyaanliigee

from outside xanggu
- in front of the door xanggu ’la tsasdlaayaanii. He put it down in front of the door.

- the area outside; the yard
Kyaasii ’la tla skun.aang. He is cleaning the yard.
Kyaasiihan ts’ajuwee ’laa kwaan’aawaan. They had many outside drying racks too.

have been tied; have been tied up; have been tied to something

- tying; knot
Kyaawgee sdang Hl kinggang. I see two knots.

be anxious to something/someone, be eager to something/someone

- tie, tie up, tie to something
- tying, untying
Gint’ajeehl kyuu. Tie up the blanket(s) (in a bundle).
KiidGii ’la kyuuganii. He tied it (a rope) to a tree.
Gudga ’la kyuusgiidan. He tied them together.

kyuu gyaa.angaa
be tied up (animal, ie dog, cow, horse)

kyúu xáagad
- (n) poles laid front to back across rafter poles to support roof of traditional cedar bark shack
’Waadluu kyúu xáagadee ’waagwii ’la sk’a.áyhlagaangaan. Then he put the roof poles up on there.